Janaira holds degrees in Environmental Studies and Business Management from United States International University and University of Phoenix. Janaira also holds a Master’s Degree in Global Business Leadership from the University of San Diego where she worked on sustainability projects in Argentina, Mexico and Spain. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD through USD’s School of Leadership and Education Sciences, and is researching social impact within nonprofit organizations. With a Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University, Janaira knows that the path to empowerment and community-based change is through education. Currently she is teaching Strategic Management and Leadership Theory to future nonprofit professionals at the University of San Diego. Janaira has a background in Program Development and has implemented projects at Meals on Wheels and San Diego Futures Foundation.
Janaira has a passion for our environment and has created recycling and sustainability programs for restaurants throughout San Diego County. Her passion for marine life, conservation, and social change brought her to Ocean Connectors in 2022.