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Community and Collaboration in National City

Community and Collaboration in National City

By Angelica Gastelum, Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center Schools Coordinator As the demand for engaging, science-based children’s programming began to grow in National City, as well as around the world, Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center quickly realized that partnerships and collaboration…

We Navigated 2020 Thanks to Your Support!

We Navigated 2020 Thanks to Your Support!

2020 is coming to a close, and it’s hard to describe what a year this has been. Unprecedented. Unusual. Confusing. These words barely scratch the surface of everything we’ve been through this year, as individuals, families, and even as a…

A Glance at Our Program in Mexico

A Glance at Our Program in Mexico

By María Hernández Carapia, Ocean Connectors Binational Programs Coordinator To achieve the Ocean Connectors mission, we educate students about the importance of protecting migratory marine species not only in the U.S., but also over 1,000 miles away in the state…

My Climate Story: A Wave of Youth Leadership

My Climate Story: A Wave of Youth Leadership

By Frances Lang, Ocean Connectors Executive Director I’ve been deeply passionate about the environment for as long as I can remember. As a child, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I always knew…

Putting the “E” in Paradise Creek

Putting the “E” in Paradise Creek

By Ted Godshalk, Director of Paradise Creek Educational Park Inc. (PCEPI) The salt marsh habitat in the Old Town neighborhood of National City was never considered important by anyone until the 1990s. While the storm drain system was designed to…

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